The Church and the New Civil Rights Movement (Ode to Dick Brogan)

The Church and the New Civil Rights Movement (Ode to Dick Brogan)

Richard “Dick” Brogan was a personal friend, and he was one of my heroes.

Dick was a white Mississippi Baptist minister who worked tirelessly to build relationships between whites and blacks during segregation and even up until he passed way last year. Not so long ago, Dick was followed, harassed, threatened, and derided as a “nigger-lover” because he not only dared speak against segregation, but he dared to act as if in Christ there really was no Jew nor Greek and no black nor white.

Shortly before he died, Dick, a veteran of the Civil Rights movement, said that Gay Rights is today’s Gospel movement. I believe he was right.

Just consider the role of black churches in leading the Civil Rights movement, and the role of white churches resisting it (isn’t anyone disturbed that we still have to have “black churches” and “white churches”?).

Though Martin Luther King Jr. and other black ministers found liberation and hope in the Bible, some white preachers remained silent while many others openly preached segregation and racial inequality as biblically sound.

“Red birds do not fly with blue birds,” white Christians smugly joked, emphasizing “it’s just the natural order of things.”

With a clear conscience, white church deacons and Sunday School teachers witnessed (and some participated in) lynchings, cross burnings, bombings, and mob violence against marchers and sit-in participants. Stories abound in Mississippi of deacons at white churches armed with guns protecting the dignity of worship for the white folks within. They were, after all, defending “the way God intended things to be.” After all, black people were tolerated just fine as long as “they stayed in their place.”

A Baptist Broadman Commentary from 1970 reminds us that “The people of God are called to renewal in each successive era of their existence.”

In the 1950s and 1960s Baptist preachers such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Dick Brogan followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit and called the people of God to renewal in a new era of their existence. Through them, God was transforming the religious life of His people, often meeting the greatest resistance through the “guardians” of the Truth and the Faith.

Jesus pleaded with the religious establishment of his day, according to the Broadman Commentary, to “open the life of Israel to the power of the work of the Holy Spirit …”

The larger religious community’s response to Jesus was his crucifixion.

And so King, Brogan and others made the same plea. The response to them were death threats, violence, exile, and for King, assassination.

We are in the midst of another renewal; we are in the midst of another set of leaders pleading with the guardians of the Christian establishment to open the life of the Church to the power of the Holy Spirit already at work; and some of the same words are being exchanged and variations of the same expressions of hatred are emerging in response.

There are a growing number of “gay churches” and welcoming and affirming groups pleading with the larger Christian community to recognize the movement of the Holy Spirit among the Gay & Lesbian community. And, many of the long-standing institutionalized “straight churches” are actively resisting the work of God among those whom the “religious guardians” insist are not worthy. (One day, our grandchildren may sigh and ask why there have to be “gay churches” and “straight churches”).

“They want their children to go to school with our children! They want to live in the neighborhood we live in! They want the same rights we have!”

“God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” straight Christians smugly joke, “it’s just the natural order of things.”

And with clear consciences, good church-goers will openly bully, harass, and tease their gay neighbors – trying to get the gays back in the closet (“to keep them in their place”).

Despite what almost every single church sign says, openly LGBT people are NOT welcomed in most churches across the South and across America. There may not be deacons armed with guns to keep them out and to protect the dignity of the worship service for the righteous folks within, but Sunday School lessons, book studies, and sermons bully them to either stay in the closet or stay out of the church.

When bullying leads to suicide, the church at large – at best – sits in silence. At worst, it leads the attack. Too many Baptist pastors are pressured to stay quiet on the issue, while other Baptist pastors continue to verbally terrorize LGBT people sitting quietly in their pews, living quietly in their families, and working quietly in their communities.

I am sometimes asked why I continue to write and speak about being a gay-friendly Baptist minister. Then a fellow Baptist pastor answers for me by making national news acting like a 1950s Southern governor justifying racial segregation (most recently, it’s a brother in North Carolina preaching what some have labeled a “beat-the-gay-away” sermon – instructing parents how to deal with boys and girls who may not be masculine enough or feminine enough, respectfully).

And like Dick Brogan, deep in my heart, I do believe, that blacks and whites and gays and straights will walk hand-in-hand some day …

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Learn more about Bert Montgomery at his website.


  1. Bert, the fact that many people do engage in bullying of gays (and that one pastor’s admonition to punch your effeminate son is, as you say, inexcusable) does not change the truth of whether or not same-sex sex is sin. It either is or it isn’t. And if it is sin, then God is not behind any movement to accept such relationships. And if it is sin, then tying gay rights to rights for racial minorities is deceptive.

    My concern when reading this post, and others like it, is the sweeping categorization of all of us who do believe it to be sin, as bullies, and those who want gays to stay in the closet, and several other false accusations you have listed here.

    I agree with you that any church who would not welcome gays into their doors would definitely be in sin. But if gay sexual relationships are indeed sinful, then any church who pretends otherwise is equally in sin.

    • James,

      I appreciate your comments. But, even assuming, as you do, same-sex relationships is sinful, in a free democratic society, it cannot be against the law. By your reasoning, all divorces should be illegal, as should anything else the people in power believe to be a sin, such as being free to worship in any religious tradition, or not to worship at all.

      Bottom line, to me it IS the same thing as racial discrimination. 60 years ago, the white majority in the South knew the Bible justified racial inequality just as clearly as you know it condemns our LGBT neighbors. And silence only enables the big bullies to continue keeping “people in their place.”

      When it comes down to treating others as Jesus treats us; and when it comes down to doing unto others as we would have them do unto us; and when it comes down to making sure that no American citizens are denied rights afforded to other American citizens, I will not apologize any longer.

      Believe it’s a sin all you want, that’s fine. But don’t isolate our LGBT neighbors, many of whom I know to have far healthier and far more deeply committed monogamous partnerships, and far deeper and fruitful faith in Christ, than so many heterosexual married Christians passing the laws …

      I wish you well, James.

      • To some extent, I agree with regard to the laws in question. I wasn’t responding to that, but to your lumping all of us in with broad statements.

        The problem I am having these days is how some myths are being presented as fact when they are not. Here are a few:

        1. Those who are convinced homosexual sex is sin are bullies. Discussed already.

        2. The use of the word “homophobia” is an accusation of irrational fear (since that is what the suffix “phobia” means). The truth is that we aren’t afraid of gays. We love them, and want the best for them.

        3. Recent votes like the NC one are removing existing rights. The truth is that gays have never been allowed to marry at any time in our nation’s history until recently.

        4. Christians are targeting homosexuality as a worse sin than others. The truth is that for my entire life, till recent years, it was simply one of many sins. My pastor would come down on a man who goes to a strip club, or is dishonest in his financial dealings, as he would any other sin. The difference now is that homosexuality is the one sin which has advocates. I imagine that if lobbyists and organizations were to spring up which touted the non-sinfulness of other sins, the Church would oppose those, as well. Bottom line: the reaction of theological conservatives toward gay issues in recent years has been a reaction, not proactive.

        5. Myth: Those who hold the same position as I do on this issue are failing to treat gays with love. The truth is that the most unloving thing a Christian can do is pretend another Christian’s sin isn’t sin.

  2. James Williams You Hit The Nail On The Head! Well Said


  1. The Church and the New Civil Rights Movement (Ode to Dick Brogan) « DREAM - [...] Shortly before he died, Dick, a veteran of the Civil Rights movement, said that Gay Rights is today’s Gospel…

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