Good morning, happy New Year. It’s such an honor be your rabbi. And it’s such pleasure to wish you all a joyful Jewish new year on this fine morning. But imagine my shock when I woke up to discover that I...
Learn MoreMy Grandpa Max of blessed memory had a sarcastic wit. When my dad proudly showed him the elevated running track in the newly refurbished field house at the University of Iowa, Grandpa Max sniffed and said,...
Learn MoreMy Grandpa Max of blessed memory had a cutting, sarcastic wit. When my Dad proudly showed him the elevated running track in the renovated field house at the University of Iowa, Grandpa Max sniffed and said,...
Learn MoreEditor’s Note:What follows is an invocation given by Rabbi Justin Kerber for the Jewish Muslim Day of Service, Jewish Federation, in Saint Louis, Missouri on December 25, 2011. December 25, 2011; the...
Learn MoreI was glad that an elderly member of my congregation called me at work on Friday. Even though it has been a stressful week in the life of the rabbi, and next week promises to be equally crazy. But I was glad...
Learn MoreI think I’m going bald. No, not naturally. (I am getting just a few little gray hairs enough to be cute at this point. I look forward to the day when I have enough that people stop commenting that I look like...
Learn MoreA minor miracle occurred this week: 33 Chilean coal miners were rescued after being trapped underground since August 5 – including 17 days without being able to get word to the surface that they had survived...
Learn MoreIn 1993 a young President Clinton was struggling to define himself in terms of the serious issues facing the country, especially the economy. His opponents gleefully seized on issues left over from the 1992...
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