Ready to Go Training

If you are updating your own WordPress-based website, these training videos will help you learn how to handle the most common tasks. These videos are available day or night, so feel free to return and watch these as often as needed.

Getting Started

Watch videos 1 & 2 first. They will provide you with some of the basics for understanding how your site works. The skill-based videos (videos 3 forward) all assume you have watched these “getting started” videos. The length of each video is listed beside its title. After starting a video, you can make it full-screen for easier viewing by clicking the full-screen icon on the video (it shows 4 arrows). Note: this page and the videos on it may take a few moments to load, depending upon the speed of your internet connection.


1 | Getting Started (5:12)
Get a quick overview of the dashboard for your site, and learn where to locate the areas you’ll use most.


2 | Pages & Posts (3:41)
There are two main types of menu items for your site: Pages & Posts. Learn the differences between them and where they are used in your site.


3 | Updating a Page (11:09)

“Pages” on your site include most ever item under the “Discover” and “Ministries” menu areas. Learn how to update the content on pages. (If you need to add an image or photo, check out video #5).


4 | Adding a Post (10:19)
“Posts” are articles that appear in these areas:  Announcements, Sermons and Blogs. So, if you need to know how to add a new article to the Announcements area, this video is for you. (This video is also helpful for learning how to update the homepage slider).


5 | Adding an Image to a Page (5:35)
For “Pages” (such as the areas under the “Discover” and “Ministries menu items), here’s how to add photos and images to your pages.


6 | Adding an Image to a Post (7:15)
For “Posts” (such as the areas such as Announcements, Sermons and Blogs), here’s how to add photos and images.


7 | Adding a Video (4:55)
Want to add a video to a Page or Post? It’s easy. This video will show you how. (The video suggests either Vimeo or YouTube as services where your church may want to create an account — you’ll upload videos there, and then embed them into your Page or Post using the steps in this video).


8 | Updating the Homepage Slider (4:36)
This video shows how to update your homepage slider. Notice that watching videos #4 and #6 will cover much of the same process.

9 |  Site Statistics (3:13)
Want to know how many people are visiting your site and which pages and posts are most popular? Here’s how.


Need More?

Have questions not covered in these videos? Check out our FAQ page.

Want to go “pro”? Sign up for the Faithlab Updating Plan and we’ll take care of your site updates for you.

Want a personal training session? For $250 you get two 1-hour sessions, offered remotely using Gotomeeting. You’ll be able to see the trainer’s screen and ask specific questions. Contact us if you are interested in this option.