A Sermon Presented to St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church on Matthew 3: 1-6, 13- 4:1 The first part of our story today is made interesting by the presence of John the Baptist, particularly his wardrobe and food...
Learn MoreA Sermon Presented to St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church My sermon a few weeks ago concerning faith mainly looked at our faith in terms of hope in God. Even then, I knew the sermon had a second part, but I...
Learn MoreA Homily given to St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church This is my first chance to speak in front of the whole church since our little Logan came into our family. I have truly been overwhelmed, in the most...
Learn MoreA Sermon presented to St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church on the text Luke 1:26-38 These verses tell us of the beginning of Mary’s story, but the Gospel of Luke begins a few verses earlier, with the retelling...
Learn MoreA Sermon Presented to St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church In late October, right before Halloween, I took Annie, my two-year old, to a home improvement store to look for pumpkins. There were just a few outside,...
Learn MoreA few weeks ago, I read a fantastic article about the importance of story by Johanna Shapiro, a nurse, written from her medical perspective. The article stresses that doctors must pay attention to stories...
Learn MoreI was a little nervous taking my Girl to the beach a couple of weekends ago. I wasn’t sure how she’d react to, well, to any part of the “beach experience.” The sand, the water, the noise of the ocean, the...
Learn MoreThis past week, about 25 children came to Vacation Bible School. Four churches, whose children’s programs are struggling and whose numbers are few, came together to try and teach and show and share the love...
Learn MoreEditors Note: This is the first in a series about the importance of story. I have early childhood memories of my parents reading to me, but I’m not sure which story entered my ears first. I am enjoying...
Learn MoreThis Sunday morning, instead of going through our “get us to the church on time” routine, my baby girl and I are sitting on the couch, snuggled together, peas in a pod of pillows and blankets. She...
Learn MoreEditor’s note: This is the final post in a series called, “Remembering the Good.” 1 John 4:9: God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we...
Learn MoreA sermon preached at St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans, Louisiana. I grew up in Athens, Georgia, in a church similar to this one in many ways. Many of the sights and sounds and smells are...
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