For all my adult life, I’ve begun my mornings with a cup of hot, black coffee and a newspaper. I may have to give that up on Sunday mornings. If not, I need to get Donna, my enduring and endearing wife, to...
Learn MoreOn a recent Monday morning, one of Donna’s friends stopped by the house to pick her up. They were headed to Paducah for the annual quilt show that is held in that city. I helped Donna load her luggage into...
Learn MoreA sermon preached on John 13:1-20 Easter is just around the corner and we all know the importance of that day; but it is not Easter yet. It is Maundy Thursday. We are with our Lord, gathered for the Last...
Learn MoreOnce upon a time, filled with youthful enthusiasm and naiveté, I believed that one day I would finally get life right . . . that my life would be fully on target . . . that I would be the person God intended...
Learn MoreI have to confess. I’ve been having some “bad” thoughts. Facebook is the cause. I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook. Mostly I scan through some time during the day to see if any of my friends have posted...
Learn MoreI believe in grace. I would not be who I am and where I am apart from grace. I’ve experienced grace in a variety of ways and circumstances. I believe in grace, but I do not understand it. In its purest form,...
Learn MoreThe fiscal cliff lies just ahead. While the people of the nation rush toward it, their government leaders draw lines in the sand and play double-dog-dare-you games with each other. Those who play the games...
Learn MoreI first saw the little boy about thirty minutes before the funeral was scheduled to begin. I guessed him to be six or seven years old. He was standing at the edge of the chapel, looking toward the open...
Learn MoreMy cousin Rickie was born a hunter. He was only two years old when he made his first solo hunt. Sometime during the morning, he left home wearing only his diaper and was accompanied by his dad’s two hunting...
Learn MoreWe were as silent as mice as we hid behind the trees on the west side of the church parking lot. The early dark of the evening aided us in hiding. We four boys were on a mission of discovery. Any minute we...
Learn MoreNOTE: The following is a Baccalaureate address delivered to the 2012 Graduating Class of Eminence (Kentucky) High School, May 27, 2012. According to the dictionary, the word baccalaureate refers to a...
Learn MoreAfter 54 years of being a Jesus-follower, 44 of those as a pastor, I confess that the Jesus-story remains an unfathomable story. From what can be known, it seems that he had been a good son, a loving brother,...
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